Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
Remembrance Day 2017
Chairperson –            President Mike Mushet
National Anthem –     Gordon Brown
Grace –                      President Mike
Toast to the Queen - President Mike
Attendance –             12 including 1 Guest
Guests -                     1, Katherine Gooch of Park Property Management, a Bowmanville RC alumna and a prospect at our club was introduced by Basil Dias.

Basil shared details of our collection at the RibFest which was much diminished owing to inclement weather but the proceeds are sufficient to go towards our club’s hosting of the Hospitality Suite at the Convention next year.
Maddy reminded us that there were a few still who have pledged but not paid yet towards the Rotary Foundation walk in Whitby Ontario, and thanked those who have donated so far. She also shared her experience at the District Conference this year, aided in finer detail by Dave Hardy and his karaoke contributions to the York Club’s entertainment hub.
Frank received a Thank You note for the Warm Hands project. Frank shared a touching story about Steve Zielensky who at 99 had chosen not to share his own story of valour in taking bullets for his country in all these many years until this time when he opened up to Frank. He lost all his buddies who were part of his Tanker Regiment. A true story and a fitting reminder, Lest We Forget.
Barry confirmed that his group meeting that was to have followed the luncheon stood cancelled for lack of a quorum.
Dhanni’s husband John Ramdeen made a very generous donation to the club foundation as did our own President
Sent in by Arthur: A letter he got from Stephnie from Colombo who visited us last year.
Dear Arthur
How are you all keeping?  I have not forgotten you or your members.  Please give my kind regards to all of them.
I am keeping fine, we are awaiting the arrival of RI President Ian H.S. Riesley on 24th November 2017, he will attend a Black Tie Dinner.  We will meet him on 25th November 2017 at the Inter-City Meeting.
We have had an interesting Rotary Year.  We are now getting ready for the Christmas Party of our Rotary Club, this will be held on 08th December 2017.
We are carrying out a project where we will give Dentures to the Elderly before Christmas Day so that they too can enjoy Christmas and New Year.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Warm wishes from Sri Lanka
Rotary Club of Capital City
Marbelous Draw – Basil conducted the draw, Frank Allison was the owner of the lucky ticket but he couldn’t find the mutant marble. Did he even get the fiver?   
Sergeant At Arms -  
Gordon fined all who were not wearing their Rotary pin as well as a Poppy in observance of Remembrance Day.
Then he demanded happy bucks:
Peter shared that his son managed to get an account of his Grandfather’s (Peter’s father) service in WWI and II for his daughter’s school project.
Gerd thanked Frank for his narrative of Steve’s sacrifice and courage.
Mike who was rather pleased to have gotten out of Jury Duty.
Basil was happy to be present at the luncheon.
Gord was happy the TFC reached the finals at the Eastern Conference.
Dave was happy to have been at the inductions of various new members at the York and Beaches clubs. Glad to see membership on the rise overall.
In Flander's Fields

Both a soldier and a doctor, John McCrae was born in Canada in 1872 and fought in the Boer War. When Britain declared war on Germany McCrae was appointed as a field-surgeon in the Canadian Artillery.Canadian John McCrae was in charge of a field hospital during the Second Battle of Ypres, a period that saw some of the most brutal fighting on the Western front.Lt Alex Helmer, a close friend of McCrae's, was one of the casualties and it was his death that inspired the poem In Flanders Field. Written on 3 May 1915, McCrae submitted the poem to The Spectator, who declined it, and then to Punch, who published it in December 1915.After Ypres, McCrae rose in the ranks, first joining the medical corps and being promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel, then to Colonel, and finally named Consulting Physician to the British Armies in France (the first Canadian to receive the honour).He died of pneumonia on 28 January 1918 and is buried in Wimereux, France.

In Flanders' fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago                 
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders' fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe;
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high,
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow  
In Flanders' Fields.

In Memory of
Corporal Nathan Frank Cirillo
December 23, 1989 - October 22, 2014